On 26th of June 2018 finished the Joint Staff Training of SCO.RE Project, which was held in Perugia (Italy). The training lasted 3 days (26-27-28/06/2018) and was attended by executives of project partners, from Greece (University of Patras & p-consulting), Denmark (SOSU Oestjylland), Italy (ARCI Perugia & Forma.Azione) και Spain (Centro San Viator).
During the training were discussed issues related to the provision of specialized services to refugees and migrants, as well as the problems refugees are facing during their stay in the host country and how these problems can be addressed by health professionals and community workers.
Mentoring & Coaching
In addition, specific techniques were presented for the training of health professionals and community workers, aiming to acquire the knowledge and skills they need, in order to provide quality services to migrants and refugees. At the same time, participants were trained in mentoring & coaching techniques.
Important issues have also been discussed, regarding the legislation for migration and refugees in each country and the actions taken to address these issues.
Also, during the training, the participants visited the home of 7 refugees from Africa, who have applied for asylum in Italy and they are waiting for the final decision. The visit was very important, as project partners had the opportunity to discuss with refugees the problems they experienced in their journey to Italy, the difficulties they are facing and what they do in order to integrate to the local community (e.g. learn Italian language, vocational training for finding a job, etc.).
Finally, participants discussed the training program which is going to be created by all partners of the project and the modules which will be developed and all partners presented their ideas. The aim is to have the training program for both trainers and trainees finalized until next project meeting, which is going to take place on October 2018 in Spain and to start the design and creation of the educational e-learning platform.