On 26-27-28 June, the transnational training program for the executives of the European Project S.CO.R.E (ERASMUS+, KA2) will be held in Perugia, Italy. S.CO.R.E. is aimed at enhancing the skills of municipal and health professionals who work or work voluntarily in organizations serving refugees locally (refugees outside the country of entry and hot spots). Due to the country-specific peculiarities of the skill level of the professionals and the needs of the refugees to be covered, it is necessary for all partners to understand the particular needs of each country in order to create a common training program (e-learning), which will meet the requirements of each country participating in the Project.
Each partner will contribute with their know-how in specific fields in order to achieve this goal. In particular, p-consulting will undertake the design and creation of the e-learning platform, transferring its specialized expertise in the creation of distance learning programs.
In addition, during the training program, the participants and all partner – will be specialized in coaching and mentoring techniques, and they are going to use them in the training of municipal employees and health professionals involved in the Project. At the same time, they will discuss with refugees and migrants the problems they face in order to be able to include in the training program the modules that are necessary for the understanding and service of the needs of refugees.
Finally, it is particularly important for the executives of the partners involved in the transnational training program that are going to work on for three days, the contact with people from different societies and cultures, which is very important as they will develop communication adaptability which is necessary for those working with refugees and / or immigrants.
This article was originally published by p-consulting.